May 17, 2010

Week 1: Review and Week 2:Upcoming Goals

So this week kicked my butt as far as the creativity workshop is concerned. I did some writing for other things, but not for the workshop.

My goals were: 
  • Finding a focus
  • Working on a self imposed deadline
  • Turning off the inner editor.
I was not able to accomplish anything as far as the workshop was concerned as you can see from my progress chart in the doobly doo. I accomplished a few things on the personal side of things. I got some scene outlines for the later chapters in It's All Relative, and some writing done (without editing) for my CRWT 172 revision. Unfortunately, none of that has to do with the writing workshop. Also, I didn't really do the idea generation thing and I might have come up with something if I had. Life just got in the way and I really don't know what happened to the rest of my week.

What I learned:
  • I need to make time for writing whether that be in the morning or at night. I have to treat writing like a job or a class because I eventually want to make this into a job.
  • I need to get my priorities in order. School always comes first, then work, then internship, then leisure activities. I'm always getting things out of order and I need to work hard to put them back together. I always end up forgetting homework and wasting time on the internet. I will turn off the internet (and tv too if necessary) for long periods of time to get all my homework, projects for internships and work done, then do some writing. 
What's coming up for week two:
  • Same goals, but I need to just write and see what comes up as an idea. I should edit later and just have a general idea of where I want the story to go. 
  • Outlining should be one of my goals. It's not really something I do in depth. I have a general outline, but I need something with concrete scenes that the story has to lead up to. Right now, I don't have that and I think it's really something I need.

So other other Creativity Workshop members and other writers out there:
What are you goals this week? How do you plan to get them done? 


    Unknown said...

    I outline big projects, but rarely outline short stories. That said, I outlined the last one so I would know where to pick up, post-workshop :)

    Najela said...

    I want to have an overall arc to the story, even if the short stories can stand alone on their own. I kind of want them to connect. My incentive is putting them online when I'm done, but so far,life is kicking my butt hardcore.

    Alisha said...

    Be a little patient with yourself; sounds like you have a lot going on! Good luck with the next week :)

    Najela said...

    Thanks. Once this paper is done, I'll have a week to catch up until finals comes along. Things will get easier once school gets out for a couple weeks until summer school starts up.

    Thanks for your encouraging comment.


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